Searching for Light? How about Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12
Epiphany is about Light.
Some liken Epiphany to the sunlight that comes a little earlier and stays a little later with us in the Northern Hemisphere these days. The change is subtle at first, but come June it's obvious.
Epiphany is about light; but it's about a different kind of Light that is coming into the world for us.
Epiphany is a celebration for those who have found the Light. Matthew tells of 3 men who had searched for this light. Some people call them Wisemen; some people call them 3 Kings of the Orient. They came with gifts that were meant to honor the new born king. They found him not in palace in Jerusalem near the temple where they expected him, but in a cattle shed in Bethlehem.
We see people like the 3 wisemen today. Some people call them "seekers" and some churches dedicate their most visible ministry to those who seek the Light but don't really know yet who they are trying to find. Epiphany for the seekers is a chance to meet the true light; God isn't always acting like the one who we are expecting to find. No the true God who 3 kings met at Epiphany is different than the one they expected to meet. Epiphany for the seeker, and for us in the fold of Christ's Church, is the chance to let go of our preconceptions and meet again the God who would heal, teach, preach, challenge, be beaten, killed, and raised from the dead.
Pax, John
PS. I'm asking prayers for my marriage these days and for our 3 girls.