Wednesday, April 20, 2022

unexpected grace Jesus, Thomas, and us in John 20 and Revelation 1

The story of Easter started at an unexpected hour: early on a Sunday Morning. 
God often makes new life happen at unexpected times.  Truth is God can do the very most with us when we either aren't expecting something new to happen or aren't able to do anything new by ourselves.  

Easter happened.  New life broke in.  Jesus' grave stood wide open.  Some women disciples who went to the tomb reported the good news to the men who followed Jesus.  They had seen angels.  Jesus was alive and well.  But the news the women shared didn't convince the men.  And that night Jesus came looking for them.  Jesus found them hiding out behind a locked door.   Jesus stepped into a fear filled room and he breathed out a word of peace and the promise of the Holy Spirit (John 20:21).  They were expecting the worst and Jesus showed up spreading the Good News of peace and forgiveness. The expected the worst and Jesus brought the best.  He shared grace and new life starting with all of them.

Faith and Hope

They were locked in.  Fear held them tight.  But Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit and a mission to forgive sins.  This is just how God's grace happens.  We expect one thing--we know the ways of the world and the natural order of things.  We sinners, if we are honest, will say we don't deserve grace.  But God's grace supersedes the natural order.  Easter deep down is about grace breaking in.  And we are invited to join the Easter mission--to spread peace, forgiveness, and new life.

Easter comes not because we are ready or because we have earned new life.  Easter comes because God chooses to bring new life to us--ready or not.  Easter is God's great moment.  aster is God's yes.  The men, who once thought the women were clueless, now all believed.  But one of their own, Thomas, missed out.  They told Thomas they'd seen the Lord.  But he said no, unless he saw for himself--he would not believe. (John 20:25)

One week later, Jesus showed up--again his friends met in a locked room.  Thomas was there this time.  And Jesus went straight to him.  Jesus invited Thomas to see and touch the scars.  Jesus was who he had always been--and now Thomas and all the disciples started to see and believe.   Jesus is the alpha and omega (Revelation 1:8) but his friends just started to understand.  Jesus knew Thomas' doubt and disbelief, but that didn't stop Jesus (John 20:27).  Thomas and every other believer after him learns the full power of Jesus majesty in the days and the years after Easter (Revelation 1:6).

There's so much about Jesus gracious nature that comes out in this story.  He meets his friends not with hard words about unbelief--no rather he meets them with peace and calls them to join him spreading the Good News.  May we all join in the joy of Easter--even if we have our doubts and fears the God of unexpected grace can and will meet us.

Peace and thanks for reading, John.