Tuesday, June 6, 2023

God cares about us--meditation on Psalm 8

Psalm 8 invites us to consider God's glory and God’s concern with us and our lives.  The writer, said to be King David, starts out exclaiming that God's name all by itself is majestic.  

This psalm sings out celebrating God's glory.  Truth is God's greater than any human experience.  God's reign even more awesome even than the heavens.  The works of God's fingers, the moon and the stars and all of creation, everything that is shows the glory of God. 

God's is awesome--but the writer of the Psalm this ancient prayer/song of the people of Israel asks his own question--Why would God, who is so awesome and powerful, care about us?

The question has power ,

what are human beings that you are mindful of them 

mortals that you care for them? Psalm 8:4 NRSV

 There’s some great poetry at work.  The word the NRSV translates as human beings ma enosh מָה־‍אֱנוֹשׁ is a singular word that usually just means a man.

This is great poetry.  And also the real nature of our relationship with God.

The writer keeps on going with poetry that point to out earthly human nature asking about God’s care for the son of Adam ben adam וּ‍בֶן־‍אָדָם  The Good news is clear--God cares about all of us--the sons and daughters of the earth.  God cares for the people made out of dust.