Monday, January 11, 2021

Following Jesus started friendship with Jesus. Thoughts on John 1:43-51

How do you imagine Jesus and his first followers?

As a kid I read picture story books in which it was easy to tell Jesus and his followers apart from everybody else.  In so many of these book Jesus had a halo over his head—and sometimes his followers the disciples did too.  Jesus portrayed on these pages absolutely glowed.  

In some churches I went to as a kid there were pictures of Jesus first followers in the ceilings of the church.  They were surrounded by gold and obviously must have been very special.  But just read the Gospels and it seems like the drawings in the picture books and the mosaics in the churches might not have been accurate.  Read John 1:43-51 and see that Jesus was human and very approachable.  He had long conversations and he just got to know people.  His first followers were fishermen—hard-working good hearted people.  They didn’t have halos—they had calloused hands and big hearts.  And Jesus built relationship with his followers.

It’s good to remember the humanity of Jesus and his first followers as we start this new year.  Right now our humanity and our fragility is clearer than ever before.  We need to know that Jesus fully knows us and our stories—this year 2021 is the year we need to know Jesus completely understands the human condition.  Martin Luther described Jesus,

He did not behave in an unusual manner; but He was unpretentious, mingled congenially with the people, and associated freely with all. Thus one after the other gradually came to Him and rallied about Him, today one, tomorrow another.[1]

Jesus was friendly.  Right from the first moment he met someone he already had deep understanding about that unique person.  We need to know that the one who worked miracles knew what it was like to be totally human.  When he started gathering disciples he started relationships with them.  They were becoming friends as he invited into the job of being followers.    

John wrote about the first disciples getting to know Jesus as he called them to come and follow him.   They were building friendship and trust.  They were starting to know Jesus as they travelled with him.  But Jesus already knew them.  There’s a danger in forgetting the love that Jesus and his followers had for eachother.   Martin Luther wrote about John’s Gospel,

John’s theme is not the calling of the apostles into office; it is their congenial association with Christ. He wishes to tell us that they joined Him because of His friendly attitude toward the people.[2]

People really liked Jesus and the truth is Jesus liked people.  And as he traveled more and more people came along with him.  We need to know the humanity of Jesus right now.  We need to know that Jesus understands us and relates to us. 

Peace and thanks for reading,


[1]Luther, M. (1999, c1957). Vol. 22: Luther's works, vol. 22 : Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 1-4 (J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed.). Luther's Works (Jn 1:45). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House. Page 182.
