Monday, October 1, 2007

Increase our Faith Luke 17:5-10

Jesus' friends asked him to increase their faith. They weren't alone in their request for more faith. I ask God for the same thing. Listen in your prayers, do you find yourself saying, "God give me faith to do..." or "God give me faith for..." Maybe you think that all you need is a little more faith and you'll finally be at peace with God and you'll finally be able to do everything that God asks of you.

Jesus responded to his friends' request for more faith explaining that just a little faith, the size of a mustard seed, would be enough to tell a Mulberry Tree to go and be planted in the sea and see it happen. "How preposterous," we say back to God in our fear and doubt, "faith can move a bush?" Jesus reply is simple. All you need is speck of faith, a mustard seed will do. The mystery here isn't whether Jesus' friends had enough faith; rather the mystery of faith is that it isn't ours at any time and that it moves so quickly in and out of our lives.

Faith is a gift. We try to keep faith, growing, nurturing, and tending it; but the faith that moves mulberry bushes and stone hearted people to love is always a gift. Jesus invites us to meet him and see him and know him and discover daily that little gift of God that can do so much.


Pastor Eric said...

Besides...if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, enough to move a mulberry tree, would we really need Jesus?

Anonymous said...

As i looked at this text i couldn't help but see the verses that came before it...

Then like a slab of concrete dropping from the sky it hit me...

the question by the disciples for increased faith did not come out of the blue, but as a result of them hearing Jesus say forgive their brother and sister, not just once but seven times a day!!!

This is surely where our faith is trust in Jesus forgiveness and to trust Jesus when we forgive