Monday, November 3, 2008

the Groom's here there's no time left Matthew 25:1-13

Many fear a day of judgement. Jesus' words scare us in their specificity. We have had and will all again have this kind of experience Not just the day of God's jugement; but days of earthly judgement that we aren't ready to meet.
Our culture lives in fear today of accounting. The experience of being caught unprepared when an accounting has been asked of us is vivid and intesely real for many. Will we be ready? Will our lamps be filled and lit or will they be dark and empty?
The basic symbols in this reading speak of powers less than God that we fear. Darkness, judgement, want, need, and light are all powers that can and do overwhelm us; but the Living God of scripture is not now or ever over come by any of these powers.
The experience of faith is not an exemption from these earthly powers but an invitation from God to walk among them in the sure and certain hope that these lesser powers will not conquer us.

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