Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A new name for "Thomas Sunday" John 20:19-31

I've sometimes called the First Sunday after Easter Thomas Sunday. We read the gospel story (John 20:19-31) that talks about his unbelief and belief in Jesus resurrection afterall.

I'd like to call it something else this year. Why?

Because Thomas isn't really the subject of the story: this story is all about the risen Jesus. Some years I read this story and think it's all about Thomas. Afterall Thomas is a guy I can relate to again and again. So maybe I'm making it all about Thomas so that it can really be all about me. Thomas is a guy I can see my own faith in or, in some years, my own lack of faith.

This year as I read the story in John 20:19-31 I see most clearly that Thomas isn't the subject of the story at all. Please don't get me wrong, Thomas isn't insignificant, but looking at the story this year it becomes clear that the risen Jesus, and what he is doing, is more important than what Thomas believes or doesn't believe.

Jesus made 2 appearances to his friends in a locked room. He came to His friends first on Easter evening when Thomas wasn't with them. He showed them by his presence that he was very much alive and he breathed on them saying recieve the Holy Spirit and the authority to pronounce forgiveness. That week Thomas heard the news that Jesus was risen from the other apostles, but he said he wouldn't believe until he saw Jesus and touched him for himself. Jesus came again and Thomas was there declaring Jesus to be his Lord.

Some years I call this Thomas Sunday, but this year I'm looking for a new name: Do you have any suggestions?

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