Monday, July 15, 2013

How are you experiencing Christ's Presence? Luke 10:38-42?

Luke tells a story.
Jesus was passing through and Martha welcomed him into her home (Luke 10:38).
Her sister Mary sat to listen to the Rabbi (Luke 10:39)
Martha grumbled about the work she had to do while Mary sat (Luke 10:40)
And Jesus said Mary had chosen the better by sitting with him (Luke 10:41-42)

By faith we know that we are always in Jesus presence.
So we can talk freely today about how we experience his presence, his being, with us.

Jesus is just as present with us--in the Word, in the Sacraments, in his Body the Church as he was present for Mary and Martha. The reality of his presence is often hidden--but that hidden dimension doesn't make his presence any less real. Maybe some will deny Jesus is present when he says he is, but that's their issue to deal with.

Those who believe in the incarnation see contemporary dimensions in this story and not just a past historic moment when Jesus presence was reality. Jesus is always with us when we gather in his name (Matthew 18:20) when we eat the bread and drink the wine of the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-24). Jesus is there when we serve those in need (Matthew 25:31-46). Maybe this story about these sisters who bicker a little isn't about being like either sister; maybe it's about the blessing in seeking Christ in worship and serving in Christ's name.

What do you think?

Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.
Peace to you and yours, John.


Anonymous said...

I could make some assumptions! Martha is the older sister and has a stronger faith (imbeded in serving),and is more responsible as to how to entertain guests. Mary is the younger sister wanting to learn from Jesus, but possibly hoping to get out of some work, also she might not be aware of her responsibilities as a host. ps. if this makes no sense i'll blame it on the pain meds!:)


John, an unlikely pastor said...

Assumptions are powerful tools
--and always get me into trouble.
I wonder if it was assumptions that got Martha into such an upset state.
Peace, thanks for reading, and hope your body is healing